The RISE Retreat will celebrate your Divine Feminine and guide you in learning how to connect with your inner self through movement, vibration, joy, connection, laugher and creativity. 
12 payments of £160
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Rise Retreat
You will leave feeling rested, alive and with tools you can bring into the real world to help remain restored, whole and happy.
The Retreat includes:
  • ​Movement classes
  • ​Life-changing Mindset Workshops 
  • ​Amazing connections
  • ​Transformational information 
  • ​Space to reflect 
  • ​Creativity classes, leave with your own piece of work
The Details:
  • The price is £1795 all inclusive (payment plans available)
  • ​The Woodlands, Hothorpe Hall, Theddingworth, Leicestershire, LE17 6QX
  • Thursday arrival between 5pm - leave on Monday at 10am
  • ​Single room occupancy (no shared rooms)
  • ​​Beautiful, healthy food
Please note all purchases are final, non-refundable and non-transferable.
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